Why Tutor Me SOS

At Tutor Me SOS, we work for you by working with you.  This mission can only succeed by understanding the student as our first concern.  Our strategy of success calls for welcoming parental involvement while working within the academic guidelines.  Then together, tutors, parents and teachers do their part to further the whole development of the student.

Why Tutor Me SOS?

  • Programs adjust yearly to the state curriculum.
  • Current materials align with the Common Core State Standards.
  • Preparation for tests, classes, and college is customized to the individual student.
  • Our semi-private sessions are limited to two students per tutor.
  • Tutoring is available seven days a week and offered both online and on-site.
  • Classes include foreign languages and comprehensive computer skills.

Tutor Me SOS

  • Offers an initial interview with parents and a comprehensive assessment of the student.
  • Identifies strengths and learning styles so an individualized lesson plan can be created.
  • Develops trusting relationship with student to allow for a natural personal development.
  • Builds on the knowledge and abilities of the student.
  • Continues with close support to increase confidence and self-esteem.
  • Leads  to improved academic performance in class and on standardized tests.

Call Tutor Me SOS Director Mona Mitri for further information and answers to any questions.  Arrange an in-person interview to familiarize yourself with the welcoming environment and the friendly and professional staff.

Learn Understand Enjoy

Monday - Saturday at 9:45 AM.

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